The Anniversary Waltz

The highlight of this week for Danita and me was Thursday 24th August. That was our first anniversary – not of us being together as a couple but of our new life in Tasmania. One year ago last Thursday we stepped off the boat (well drove off actually) to a new life. It was both … Continued

The Sick Kid

As you know, Danita and I have a fur baby aka four legged child aka the kid who eats off the floor aka Sancho. To us he’s still a child but in the doggy world he’s a seriously senior citizen. His next birthday is in November and he’ll be 16 which makes him the equivalent … Continued

Water, Water Everywhere – NOT

When we moved to Tasmania, Danita and I expected that the first year would be a pretty steep learning curve. This week we got over a major climb and we’re now back to our normal level of chaos. Even though we overlook Bass Strait, the Don River, have a dam on the property and have … Continued

TITs, BUMs and LEGs

Danita is a genius at inventing TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) as memory aids. Recently she came up with a set which seem to work naturally together. TIT, BUM and LEG. TIT – Trust In Tasmania Not long after we moved here a friend who lives in Hobart made the comment that Tasmania has a special … Continued