Recently Danita and I saw the movie “Sully” which is about the captain of the A320 which landed in the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. (As he was at pains to point out the plane had a “water landing” not a “crash”.) This, together with some recent conversations with
I’m convinced G-d has a sense of humour. The Universe provides what we need, when we need it; but sometimes it would be great to get a bit of advance notice that things are going as planned. When we moved to Tasmania we’d booked a month at a short-term rental,
Last week I started on our list the top 12 things we’ve discovered about Tasmania so far. As a reminder here they are: – Friendly people – No mobile phones (nomophilia) – Emphasis on local produce – The weather – You’re allowed to smile – House prices So, here’s the
This post has been inspired by a website Danita recently found. It’s tasmaniatopten.comĀ and is well worth checking out if you’re planning to visit the Apple Isle (OK we’re actually Android devotees but I digress). Today is our twelfth day which is why I’ve opted to call this 12 Great Things
Wow! What a week it’s been. On Monday we flew from Perth to Melbourne, stayed overnight in Melbourne, met up with a couple of people on Tuesday and then sailed to Tasmania of the Spirit Of Tasmania, aka the SPOT (by those in the know). Wednesday we arrived in Devonport
Today was my mother’s 90th birthday party. Her birthday was actually last week but, so far, there have been 3 weeks of celebrations, culminating in this afternoon’s tea party. It wasn’t a big crowd, after all, finding contemporaries for a 90 year old does have significant demographic challenges. However, what
“Families are like fish – they go off after three days.” So goes the old truism. And, like any good truism, it’s as true now as it has ever been. For a bit over a week we’ve been staying with my sister and brother-in-law. Fortunately, they’ve converted pert of their
We’ve done it, taken the plunge, ridden off into the sunset, hit the road etc etc! After years of discussions and quite a bit of planning, last Monday, 1st August 2016, Danita and I left Sydney. This last week has been a very busy one and a quiet one all
It’s the end of an era. Probably not a significant one in world history but on a personal level it’s about as big as they get; after getting married, birth of your first child (and subsequent ones), getting divorced, having a close friend/relative pass away …. Amongst all those comes
Everyone knows that eating chocolate is good for you. (Disclaimer: this applies to dark chocolate with low sugar content – not the sugar laden stuff you’ll find in supermarkets. Also, these results are usually predicated with “MAY” and further studies are required for verification. Where do I volunteer to participate?)
According to Urban Dictionary, triskaidekaphilia is: Obsession with the number thirteen. Triskaidekaphiles smile when they walk up thirteen steps, or a ball bounces thirteen times, or it’s thirteen minutes past 1pm, or their room is on the 13th floor, or the change in their pocket somehow adds up to a
The story so far: On Friday 13th May Danita’s computer was sent off for repairs. After a significant amount of toing and froing (ie the computer going to and from the service centre multiple times) Acer decided to test the computer, since it was still under warranty. After carrying out
This week Danita and I moved into our final house-sit. It’s been a good ride with some “interesting” times, in all senses of the word. But, as they say in the classics (or somewhere) “all good things come to an end”. After five years of living in other people’s homes,
Danita and I are very stable. (OK, now that you’ve stopped laughing hysterically and picked yourself up off the floor, I’ll explain.) In many ways we operate a lot like the old Mortein by-line (which is showing my age): “When you’re on a good thing, stick to it.” For example
We normally take our own home town for granted and don’t spend time on doing touristy things until we have someone from overseas to show around. Lately we’ve had a couple of opportunities to enjoy Sydney (just as we’re getting ready to leave). A couple of weeks ago a friend
This is about number 5. The Thought For The Week associated with this post is the 500th in my series. Since I’ve been posting the thoughts almost every week, that means it has been going for 10 years. In fact the first post was on 31/07/2006. (To review what you’ve
There’s a common question which is “why do bad things happen to good people?” (For some time I’ve been working on a book by that title and it’s still a work in progress.) Often things which appear to be bad when we’re going through them ultimately turn out to be
It’s ON – the move to Tasmania is now real and happening! What’s sparked this burst of excitement I hear you ask (maybe not hear you exactly but…. anyway, as I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself)? Five years and one day ago (May 28th) Danita and I started
In my post a couple of weeks ago (The Countdown Begins) I finished with this comment: There’s a question which often comes up along the lines of “how come G-d doesn’t talk to us anymore like with people in the Bible?” G-d does talk to us, the real question is
Over time there have been a number of predictions which haven’t quite worked out. As an astrologer that’s a terrible admission but there you have it. (BTW – They weren’t my predictions.) Here’s a few: 1984 by George Orwell Written in 1948 (and published in 1949). 2001 A Space Odyssey